This picture represents celebrity because it shows numerous famous people who have 'celebrity status'. I modified this picture in photoshop by using the filter tool and selected the artisitc menu and then selected to modify the image by using the film grain modification .
This picture displaying numerous newspapers on the floor demonstrates newsworthy. It demonstrates newsworthy becuase newspapers are always filling people in on the latest news and gossip around. I edited it in photoshop using the filter tab and selecting distort then from the distort menu I chose the diffuse glow modification.
I chose this picture of an xbox 360 to demonstrate games because they are one of the most modern gaming devices out on the market today. I modified it in photoshop by selecting the filter tool and then choosing texture and applying the patchwork selection.
Communication can be represented in many ways. In this picture I chose to represent it by using satellite dishes. When modifying it in photoshop i chose the filter tool and selected the stylize tab and then chose the glowing edges modifications. I made the edges thicker and changed the colours around a bit while i was doing this.
This picture represent friendship because it shows three girls close together having a good time. To modiy this picture in photoshop I used the filter tool and then selected the artistic tab and selected the coloured pencil modification.
This picture represents the Australian theme. When I modified this picture in photoshop I used the filter tool and chose the artisitc tab and then selected the plastic wrap feature.
This picture represents popular things in today's society because it shows numerous items that are very popular. I editied this picture in photoshop by selecting the filter tool and then going to sketch and chosing the poster edges modification.
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